WordPress database error: [Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction]DELETE FROM `wpdf_options` WHERE `option_name` = '_site_transient_timeout_wp_theme_files_patterns-ecd9e367c163d0c683c18783b5e33bf4'
WordPress database error: [Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction]INSERT INTO `wpdf_options` (`option_name`, `option_value`, `autoload`) VALUES ('_site_transient_wp_theme_files_patterns-ecd9e367c163d0c683c18783b5e33bf4', 'a:2:{s:7:\"version\";s:3:\"1.0\";s:8:\"patterns\";a:0:{}}', 'off') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE `option_name` = VALUES(`option_name`), `option_value` = VALUES(`option_value`), `autoload` = VALUES(`autoload`)
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